Lunchtime Arrangements: 2022-2023
Over the lockdown period we allowed students to go off site during the lunch break to reduce the amount of time spent indoors and to allow for increased social distancing. We were hugely impressed by how responsibly students behaved during this time whilst they were out in the local community but also in making sure that they returned to school punctually.

Students report that they benefit greatly from the mental and physical break of being able to go off site for a short period during the lunch break. They say that this short 'time out' helps them to better engage in afternoon lessons reporting that they are able to concentrate far better than when they weren't allowed off site prior to lockdown. This is supported by the observations of staff in the classroom and by attendance and behaviour data for afternoon sessions which has increased significantly.
As a result we feel that our students have proved that they are mature and responsible enough to leave the school site and we trust they will behave in a positive manner around the local community. We feel that they have conducted themselves well and that as a result we need to listen to their views on what will help them to learn in school better.
We do need to point out to you that whilst students are off site at lunchtime the school cannot be held legally responsible for their safety and well-being, you as their parent/carer resume responsibility for them during this time.
If you wish for your son/daughter to remain on site you need to advise the school, preferably in writing. Should we not hear back from you we will assume that you are happy for them to leave the site at lunchtime and take full responsibility for them during this period.
We must stress that this is a privilege, which is very much behaviour dependent and should any student’s behaviour fall below the standards we expect, this privilege will be withdrawn resulting in the student having to remain on site during the lunch period.